Oxford County proudly provides support and services to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of our county through multiple networks.
The following County Departments can be reached directly via the information provided.
County Administrator:
Zane Loper Tel: 743-6359 Fax: 743-1545 Email: zloper@oxfordcounty.org
Deputy County Administrator:
Abby Shanor Tel: 743-6359 Fax: 743-1545 Email: ashanor@oxfordcounty.org
Christopher Wainwright Tel: 743-9554 Fax: 743-1510 Email: cwainwright@oxfordcountysheriff.com
Jail Administrator:
Dana Dillingham Tel: 743-5870 Fax: 743-5064 Email: ddillingham@oxfordcountysheriff.com
Beth Calhoun Tel: 743-6350 Fax: 743-1545 Email: bcalhoun@oxfordcounty.org
Register of Deeds:
Cherri Crockett Tel: 743-6211 Fax: 743-2656 Email: ccrockett@oxfordcounty.org
Deputy Register of Deeds:
Darren Goyette Tel: 743-6211 Fax: 743-2656 Email: dgoyette@oxfordcounty.org
Judge of Probate:
Jarrod Crockett Tel: 743-6671 Fax: 743-4255 Email: jcrockett@oxfordcounty.org
Register of Probate:
Jennifer Dilworth Tel: 743-6671 Fax: 743-4255 Email: jdilworth@oxfordcounty.org
Deputy Register of Probate:
Diana Messina Tel: 743-6671 Fax: 743-4255 Email: dianam@oxfordcounty.org
EMA Director:
Allyson Hill Tel: 743-6336 Fax: 743-7346 Email: ahill@oxfordcounty.org
Communications Director:
Geffrey Inman Tel: 743-9554 x 105 Fax: 743-5392 Email: ginman@oxfordcounty.org
District Attorney:
Neil E McLean Jr Tel: 743-8282 Fax: 743-1511 Email: neil.mclean@maineprosecutors.com
Assistant District Attorney:
Scott Davis, Leslie Wilson and Richard Beauchesne Tel: 743-8282 Fax: 743-1511